My name is David O. Chung and my memoirs, Face of the Enemy: An American Asian’s War in Vietnam and at Home, about my life as a Vietnam veteran and veteran activist will be available by Veterans Day, November 11, 2023. Being an Asian American may have something to do with why people looked at me funny when I was in Vietnam: I looked like them but wore an American uniform.

The paperback and the eBook are available at the publisher by clicking here, which is a faster way to receive the book. The paperback and hardcover are also available on Amazon with the eBook to follow shortly. My co-author, Kerry O’Connell, and I are excited that all of our hard work is finally becoming available to you.
As we get things posted to this site, I encourage you to comment, connect, and share your own experiences. Your comments won’t show up right away because the internet is filled with spam so all comments will need to be approved before they are posted. In spite of that, please comment. I’ll be checking for them every couple of days.
More content coming soon! Subscribe below to my newsletter about how to get the most of your veteran benefits and receive my free guide to veteran benefits, titled “Summary of Veteran Benefits.” It is up to you to take care of yourself, part of that is knowing what benefits you are eligible for as a veteran.